You probably spent years focusing on your waistline rather than your thighs, and then “thigh gap” became a thing. It’s not cool anymore if your thighs touch when standing upright, even though it’s natural.

We won’t tell you to obsess over a thigh gap, but your thighs play an important role in your body, so keep them toned and strong. When told to “Lift with your legs!”, your thighs do the heavy lifting. Your thighs work hard when you pick up a child, climb stairs, or even just walk.

Getting rid of thigh fat and building muscle can make daily tasks easier. As a bonus, you may find that your pants fit better. You may also develop a thigh gap. Just don’t put it first on your list.

Here are 6 easy exercises to burn thigh fat fast.

Squat Plyometric

Plyometric exercises involve jumping, which obviously engages the thighs. Squats are the most targeted thigh exercise. Plyometric squats are one of the best moves to include in a fat-loss program.

What to Do

Begin with feet shoulder-width apart.

Squat until your knees are 90 degrees.

Then jump up and land in a squat. To power the jump, use all of your leg and butt strength.

Come down as gently as you can, knees bent. Land on your heels, not your toes. If this move bothers your knees, squat at a lower angle.

3 sets of 8 reps max.

With ball squat

This squat uses an exercise ball. And it also massages your back!

What to Do

Position your exercise ball into the curve of your lower back.

Pitch shoulders apart.

Gently bend your knees and squat down 5-10 inches, as desired. Suit up and shoulders back.

Hold for 3 seconds, then reset.

Beginners should start with 5 reps and work up to 12. Between sets, rest 30 seconds.

Circle of One Leg

This is a simple but effective thigh-slimming move. It works your core and thighs, and all you need is a flat surface to lie on.

What to Do

Lie on your back, arms by your sides, palms down.

Your right leg should be pointed upward with a slight outward rotation.

Trace a clockwise circle on the ceiling with your right leg, keeping your hips still.

Then pause and do 5 circles counterclockwise.

Rep with other legs.

5 sets per leg.

4. Sun Salute

No time for high impact exercise but still want to tone your thighs? Try yoga. This sequence of moves relies on your thighs for stability. Making the move harder as you progress.

What to Do

Straighten up, feet together, arms at sides. Spread your weight evenly across your feet’s soles.

Lift your arms over your head, while also raising your chin slightly.

Mountain pose is achieved by stretching your fingertips toward the ceiling while your arms are straight up.

Now bring your arms wide to your sides and bend forward until one on each side of your feet touches the floor.

Slowly raise your torso to waist height, keeping your back flat. Keep your head aligned with your spine and your belly button tucked in.

Now bend your knees and place your hands on the mat in front of you shoulder-width apart.

As you lift your hips and settle into downward facing dog, walk both feet backwards, hip-width apart. Stretch your tailbone upwards while inhaling deeply.

Revisit the flat back pose, then forward bend and finally sweep your arms back above your head to complete the reverse.


How about a ballet move to tighten your thighs’ backs? Ballet is a difficult dance style, but you don’t need to learn it to benefit from it. The plié is just another squat.

What to Do

Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and toes pointed out.

Bring your arms straight out in front of you and slowly lower into a squat. Your knees should bow outward but not over your toes.

Step back and repeat.

Maintain a straight back and tight glutes.

Adding a gentle bounce or pulse at the bottom of the squat before returning to the start position adds difficulty.

One minute of continuous squats, rest, and repeat if you can.

Toe Squat Overhead

This exercise extends utkatasana, or chair pose. It works the thighs by having you squat and lift at the same time. Confused? We’ll break it down, but it may take practice.

What to Do

Lie on your back with your arms by your side.

Bend your knees and half squat your bottom into a chair pose as your arms sweep up over your head palms facing inward.

Extend the move by rising up onto your toes, still in a half squat with arms raised.

Hold for a few seconds, then ease back to flat feet.

This is a precise move that requires control. Lift onto your balls of feet, then slowly lower your heels to the ground.

Do 8-12 reps per set.


Remember that while these exercises will help tone and strengthen your thighs, regular cardio will help you lose fat throughout your body. Consider calorie reduction as well. You don’t have to change your diet; just make sure you consume fewer calories than you expend.

Together with these super thigh blasting exercises, you will soon be proud of not only your thighs’ appearance, but also their abilities.